Reason for hash name: As an avowed 'Shortie', Mick is usually one of the first back in the pub - yes, he has even been known to beat the 'Very Short Walkers' if the beer has been particularly promising! You see that's the keyword here - beer - Mick is, what is known in southern poncey circles, as an aficionado (for the northerners present, that means he likes beer...a lot!)
Usually Mick will sit in judgement with his old mucker, Barney, and together they will slurp, swallow, and pontificate aloud on the quality of the ale and the 'chipping' provided...often very 'aloud' if the beer is exceptionally good or bad. Rather like those two crotchety old gits (Stadler & Waldorf) from The Muppet Show, who sit up in the balcony and comment incessantly on the show below...[note: Mick is the better upholstered of the two].
Also known as:
Most likely to say: "Ah, that's a right tasty drop - well below the plimsoll line!"
Least likely to say: "Do you have anything lighter - this is a bit strong for my taste..."
What the hash think...