Hash 1063
It wasn’t Very long before the “On-On” call came from the left down Chinnor Road and the hash was off. Several chEcks and two on-backs later and we were still heading down Chinnor Road. I caught up with Richard’s mate Tom to learn that the two of them are University students in High WYcombe. David was pleased to overhear the conversation as he made it known that he is a Governor (whatever that means) of that fine institution. As a conseQuence of his position he warned the boys that they better “fU@%*ing behave themselves!
A check at the Intersection of Scrubbs Lane finally found us leaving the main road “On-Left” and down the ridge we go. As AdE indicated we had now contributed the VAT portion of the run we could finally get into the meat of the run. IT was at this time that I made my fatal error of the evening nOt whizzing to the front of the pack as Gerry found me and coerced me into writing this report as Roger had failed to joiN us following his run last week.
At the next check, I heard the firsT plea for the Long-Short split from Marta – Ade either didn’t hear the request or simply ignored it. “On-on straight on” was the call up the patH. As we continued through threE on backs and two more checks (and a plea from David for the Long-Short split) we found ourseLves taking the footpath to the left. Finally when the hash made the check at the intersection with Haw Lane, Ade cOuld no longer pretend to ignore the pleas from the GM and others for a short cut back to the pub. The shorts headed dowN left and Ade realized that havinG not marked their route, he’d better make sure they find the correct way back to the Watering hole.
The longs contInued straight on for a gentle climb that seemed to go on, and on, and on. It was broken up by a lengthy search for the Trail as the hare was off with the shorts and the pack had trouble finding the flour when it was cleverly moved to the other side of the Hedge. Two more on backs later and Ade catches up in time fOr the next check that takes the Longs “On-Left” for the rUn down the hill.
It was at The bottom that Hawkeye was sent straight on at the next check while Dick found the flour on left. After he refused to check any furtHer, the call was made on left and off we went again. A style in the hEdge on the right found the Longs heading up and up and up, with three lucky ones given the opportunity to do it twice. After the bending fieLd brought us back in line with the check Hawkeye refused to makE, the trail turned left onto Routs Green. We followed it for a short stint before the Next check brought us onto the footpath left. Several on-backs later and we find the “NO INN” which leads us bAck to the Boot.
INside we were welcomed with Chips, several “important” updates from David (did I mention he is a governor of the University where Richard and Tom attenD?) and a 20 year celebration song written by Gerry and performed by Ken and the Jovial hash house singers.
Thanks for the run Ade and the bOuntiful supply of chips!