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Hash 1077


21 Jun 2011
Scribe: Daniel

A midsummer's hash at the Bounty, it's enough to even bring out the most obscure of hashers on a Tuesday evening! These were my thoughts as I pulled into the Bourne End station lot and saw some very peculiar looking people … and no, neither Mike nor Simon joined us this fine evening. Instead, they were a Morris Dancing group in full regalia, preparing for a night of entertaining at the Bounty – they had no idea what they were in for later that night.

Following the incessant moaning about the £2 parking fee in the station car park, the hashers finally gathered round the hare to hear the instructions for the evening and to be introduced to our virgin for the evening, Lauren. Finally we were on right out of the car park and, after a quick check, on right again heading back towards the Thames and the bridge. It was here that some of us learned of Ian's golfing exploits (a 7 over par round in a golfing society event the previous week) and the anticipation of two giddy hashers awaiting the announcement of their joint 100th run. And many a hasher commented on Roger wearing his torch on the longest day of the year in anticipation that someone may get lost in the woods and need a lighted pathway home … pessimistic for sure, but nurturing as well.

After crossing the bridge, we head on left along the river passing many a boatsman and on back along the way. Eventually we turn on right and find the promised hills of the evening. We head into and across Winter Hill Golf Club where we reach the regroup for the Long-Short split. There was some comment/insult made concerning the pedigree or thoroughbred status of Anthony (or was it Lucy) that the GM shared with everyone and I promised to include in the hash report. However, after being slightly light headed from the enjoyable, long hill (including the on-back) leading to the regroup … I can not do the "best insult ever" justice by attempting to recount the words.

The shorts head off right and the longs venture on left across the field. From here the particular directions we followed have faded from memory, but let me just say that we took in some gorgeous scenery overlooking the Thames. We had ample time to take it in when we could not find the blobs of flour and Moose seemed to care little if we ever made it back in time for a pint or dancing. Eventually, the hare acquiesced to our thirsty pleas and we were off down the side of the hill to make our way back in along the Thames. We venture in past the Bounty only to take in the cruel sight of the shorts enjoying a pint while we trek back to the station to change and to retrieve some cash for the night's libations.

Back at the pub we are entertained not only by some fine ales, but a hashing rendition of Morris Dancing – check out the web-site for a video file of one of the dances! Finally the GM brings us together for "something important" including the presentation for 50 and 100 runs to Anthony and Marc respectively … congratulations men! Never mind Kevin, I'm sure Roger will remember you sometime soon!!

Thanks for the run Ade – and the chips!!