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The Bounty

The Bounty - Bourne End

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Hummery: "Oh to be messin' about by the river. A pub which neatly sums up the hash - quirky, non-conformist, sociable and slightly off the beaten track!"

Overheard on the hash (7th July 2015)

* “It’s only 5 miles long, or it could be 4….I don’t really know” “Did you measure it?” “Well, I did measure the shorts….but I can’t really remember….so no” [Ade’s pre-hash briefing goes down well]

* “You'll be glad to know I'm having veggie curry tonight....clear the decks!" [Ade prepares to bring a new meaning to the word 'Global Warming']

* "Oy! You can see my boat from here!" [Predictable!]

* "Ohh, I do like my French cider you know" "How is it different to English cider then?" "Well, it ferments in the bottle so it's a bloody sight stronger, and after a few pints I don't really care anyway" [Mick takes the 'considered' approach to drinking on the Continent]

* "Hash Cluedo - there's a new idea!" "So, Jo, in the field, with the's about that for a murder scene for starters?" [Nikki's concept needs some more work per the hash....]

* "I TOLD you they were dangerous creatures, DIDN'T I?!" [Jo's excited outburst at the Toscas]

* "Ken's got the award tonight.....Ken?" "I left it on the doorstep Roger, who cares anyway?" [Ken's less excited outburst at the Toscas]