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Hash 1363


30 Aug 2016
10.01 km
Scribe: Keyboard Ken

When we arrived at Uncle Tom's at 7.30 the Cabin was full, or at least the car park was, so we had to park in the lane opposite. Only a handful of hashers had arrived by this time filling the few remaining parking slots. So where were the rest of the hash going to park? Kev decided that we should park our bums on the seat outside and watch the fun.

Several cars arrived full of hashers but they were unceremoniously waved away, being forced to park way up the road. There was a suggestion that Maidenhead multi-storey might be the nearest convenient parking slot! Next to arrive were Mike and Judy, Mike in true Mike fashion managed to park seamlessly in a parking slot just vacated by a local diner: jammy git!

7.45 came and hashers were still arriving and being waved on, to park I know not where.

Phil (hare for the evening) told us that the long run was 5.8 miles and the short 3.8 miles, but you can't trust a hasher when he wears the hare's hat, they just lie - I know I do!

The on-out was called and it and it was left up to the FRB's to check it out, but they were soon so far out that just as the rest of us were starting down the lane to Cookham Dean they were seen coming back up having been caught out by an on-back at the very bottom of the lane.

We soon came to the top of Winter Hill, or thereabouts where I found myself un-characteristically checking down a likely looking track. Deep joy , as I found a blob of flour and an on check. I called it on, as Helen appeared on the track behind me. Convinced that I had found the correct trail we ran on at a pace, only to be called back, Phil had taken the hash on a different route."But ,but, but--but, there is definitely flour here" I protested. The sight of the rest of the hash disappearing in the distance forced us into conformity and we ran back, wondering why we had been deceived. After a short distance however we were met by the rest of the hash returning in a confused state ( what else is new?) Apparently Phil had taken them all the wrong way and our way was the correct one after all. It is oh so nice to be right! Actually I can't remember the last time that happened.

There now followed a long fast run down towards the river, which was to be the theme for the remainder of the run i.e. long and fast.

The shorts now left us and we climbed a lung busting ascent which went on forever. At the top came a long section on tarmac and then a cruel loop down into the woods with the inevitable climb back out.

Back at the cabin the beer was flowing and the chips were plentiful. Gerry's 1000th run was celebrated and Rose distributed cake to mark the occasion -mmm. A good run Phil, spot on 5.8 miles and not a yard more!