Keyboard Ken
Reason for hash name:
It's obvious 'innit? Because he plays he guitar and the harmonica. Keyboards - who said anything about keyboards???
Apparently this hash name has been passed down through the annals of time, although anybody who has hashed with HWH3, will know that Ken is renowned for something else...his inability to judge distance. Then again, perhaps it is Ken's ability to judge distance precisely but to lie about it completely which has so unnerved hashers over the years, as terms such as a 'kenometer' [random unit of distance - the only thing for certain that it is a damned sight more than 1km long!] have entered the lexicon.
Also known as:
Most likely to say: "It's a relatively flat hash and relatively short..." [which usually begs the question, 'relative to what?'!]
Least likely to say: