Hash 1395
Yet again we arrived at the hash without our most enthusiastic team member, Poppy out of action for I think the 3rd week running. But to compensate, this is one of the pubs we love coming too and it was the 12th anniversary of Jo (Chicken Licken) and I joining the hash – what a 12 years it's been!
The first hash of the year where we got to meet at least in the daylight, think I managed at least the first 5 mins without turning on my torch. A lovely hint of the spring evenings to come.
We were told there were several options to short cut on the run, with the long route being 5 miles and the shortest 3 miles. Off we went down the road, and across the first field with lots of cantering horses which Elvis looked very keen to join!
I'd love to tell you where we went from there but I was far too busy chatting with Jo about our hashing careers, discussing the various ski trips and enjoying some lovely spring running. Thankfully Gerry did remind me that it was our hash trash week so at least I did try and pay attention to some of the events on the hash. Here are my highlights……
Gerry's birthday!!! Half way around the hash, somewhere in the fields of Penn, we remembered that Gerry had made the very noble choice of celebrating his birthday with the hash so a select few chose to serenade him with a chorus of Happy Birthday – I'm sure it was the pinnacle of his day
Which lead to Jess reminding us that it had also been our glorious GM's birthday at the weekend so on came another Happy Birthday refrain! At this point thankfully Aaron was checking far away in the wrong direction as for some unfathomable reason he can't stand the Happy Birthday song
There were comments that Alan & Sandra must have been suffering a flour surplus such was the quantity and quality of the markings, with many an on back to be enjoyed.
On on we went with some serious Glastonbury planning afoot by Jess and Jo, across the fields and back towards, unfortunately the wrong pub, through the car park and we had to cross the road and continue without a beerstop. Although there was much discussion with Matt and Ian about what we each might be able charm out of the bar staff as we had no cash, as the very best we thought we could achieve was a lime and soda it seemed worth carrying on.
Down into the lane (I think it might be called Paul's Row) and onto a footpath by the vicarage. Lovely conditions underfoot and a chance to really stretch our legs but just as Andy and I were starting to settle into a rhythm there was the inevitable onback – so back we went to witness Tim almost squash Hector with his graceful diving moose, I think that must mean he is properly initiated into the hash now.
Out we came into the last field with many signs warning about a bull and sheep where Simon seemed very willing to sacrifice me to the bull and stated that I would have 17 hashers footsteps onmy back as they trampled over me – which lead to the obvious conversation of why would it be an odd number? One legged hasher perhaps?
Back to the pub where Jess sent her beer flying but was rescued by kind birthday Dad buying
another and Alex showed off the hairy benefits of drinking proper ale. Matthew continued his brave endeavour to try and organise some new kit for the hash and we all enjoyed some lovely chips, and more beer
Well done Alan, Sandra and D4. A lovely hash and a very enjoyable hint of spring conditions.