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The Prince of Wales

The Prince of Wales - Marlow

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Hummery: Just off the High St, but retaining a very relaxed feel with the inevitable selection of Rebellion ales - good for drinkers, less so for teetotallers!


Overheard on the hash (15th April 2015)

“I was only allowed to lay the dots - Sooper wouldn’t let me do the circles….or the numbers…maybe in a couple of years?” [Simon, who helped Sooper lay the trail, but was kept on a very short leash]

 “Waaaahhhhhh! Well, it’s their fault for paying £150 for a room, ‘innit?! Oy, by the way, you can see my boat from ‘ere” [Ade, passing the Crown Plaza hotel and ensuring all the occupants knew he was]

”He’s not running ‘cos he’s tweaked his knee…mind you, that’s not even a proper injury is it?   “Definitely not even enough to get him off netball”  [Ian, & Matt,  musing on an absent hasher’s injury]

”Careful Andy, we don’t want to set off that ‘swinging bridge’ effect, do we?” [Matt following Andy across the Marlow bypass, two heavyweights of hashing in ‘too close’ a unison]

”Why have the street lights suddenly gone out?” [various, whilst waiting in the car park pre-hash] ”Oh, hang on, Robo Hawkeye’s just plugged himself into the mains” [Hawkeye engages the separate battery pack for his bionic legs]


1289 14 Apr 2015The Prince of Wales, MarlowSooper & Wing Co   Details