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The Black Horse

The Black Horse - Great Missenden

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Hummery: A quaint hostelry in Roald Dahl country. Granted the pub wasn't built for BFGs and those with huge thirsts to slake or in frantic need of chips were a mite disappointed. Nevertheless, a very warm, cosy & friendly place to pass a sodden evening.

Overheard on the hash (5th November 2015)

"Ow ow owwwww!!! That was a really big prick!" [cried Helen after standing on a thorn] "....I'm only used to little ones..." [Aaron looks askance]
"Heads.....Roots......HOOTS!" [a new hash term is coined]
"Bike rack....Bike rack....where are you? You don't like being called Bike rack do you Matt, why is that?" "'Cos it's a sh*t name" "And apart from that.....?" [Roger's Tosca Awards speech goes down less well with certain members of the hash]
"Barney reckons he's sprained his ankle - I reckon he just wanted to get back early to get a seat in the pub" [Mick's well of sympathy runs dry]
"He's a bit sloe on the uptake isn't he?" [Audrey's instructions on 'How to get made Sloe Gin' take some time to filter through to Mark]
"The last time I drank Rebellion, it gave me a headache" "Why's that Hawkeye?" "Probably 'cos I had too much of it" [The anti-Rebellion drinking mob put forward a solid case for the prosecution]