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The Crown

The Crown - Hazelmere

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Hummery: The spiritual home of The Chip Butty. There’s a reason why The Crown is one of most hashed-from pubs - central location, cheap drinks (in fact, the cheapest around here for both beer & soft) and friendly service. Oh, and the chips….don’t forget the chips!


Overheard on the hash (21st October 2015)

  • ”Oops, that was nearly a Snark” [Nikki’s cross between a sneeze and a fart] ”Does it leave you with smelly breath” “What colour is a snark…..Great White, or Dirty Brown?”
  • ”Oh, have you ever ‘snarfed’ though?”  “What’s a snarf Roger?”  “Well…[Roger starts leering and rubbing his hands together lasciviously] ”I’d have to show you round the back of the bike sheds” “Please don’t encourage him!’ [Jess intervenes before Roger can show Nikki exactly what a ‘snarf’ is]
  • “Can we go to the beach for the hash, can we, can we?!”  “I used to have to to sit in a crisp box at the beach because I didn’t like the sand”  [Enthusiastic general response to Sarah’s Hash Weekend 2016 Questionnaire….compared to a slightly less enthusiastic Ian]
  • “This hill keeps on giving doesn’t it? I’m getting a bit sick of hills after Frieth though” [the survivors of the Frieth Hilly 10k go into survival mode]
  • “5 Burpees for a piece of bread…that’s 5 burps… I’m afraid that’s only 3, you’ll have to have the crust” [Mark goes all ‘drill instructor’ on the Hash]
  • “This bread is buttered on both sides - what’s that about?”  “Well Andy….that’s because you’re a very lucky fellow….you don’t know which side your bread is buttered on!” [Matt puts Andy straight on the Meaning of Life]
  • “Why did you refer to it as Gentleman’s Relish….who’d want to kiss anybody with that all over their mouth?”  [Roger fails to appreciate the glaringly obvious double entendre]