Reason for hash name: Lost in the mists of time, back when the Treaty of Rome was being signed, when HWH3 was only 5-strong, and when people invented their own hash names...OK, so not all that different to the present day, given Roger's 'Random Name Generator'!
IGSH evidently stands for 'Interglactic Superhero', which contains none of the usual hash overtones of cynicism, sarcasm, or delight in an unfortunate/embarassing accident. In other words, Gerry is long overdue a renaming!
Also known as: Gezza, The Archaeologist
Most likely to say: "Those pile of bricks over there actually belonged to a Roman mausoleum 2,000 years ago..."
Least likely to say: "I do so love this new modern architecture; it's so fresh and uplifting..."
What the hash think...