Whipping Boy
Reason for hash name: Once upon time, when Simon was only lightly fluffed in the facial hair department, he turned up to a hash at The Pink & Lily. Among the first of the hash to return to the pub at the On-Inn, he got changed, and went in for a drink. The pub was rammed to the gunwales on account of a birthday party or something, so he found a quiet corner and waited for the rest of the hash... and waited... and waited... and waited (this was so long ago that mobile phones hadn't been invented... I daresay even the ordinary phone was a relatively new device) and then gave up and went home - only to find out later that everybody else had agreed to go down to The Whip for drinks. Hence the hash name, 'Whipping Boy'.
Also known as: The Swan, Captain Quiz
Most likely to say: "Check it out!"
Least likely to say: "No, it's OK, I'll take the hilly muddy check...you rest there a second..."
What the hash think.....